onallovelemeny: Ez történt ma
near the caliber before World War II. After "Oh, Men! Oh, Women!" (1957) in 1957, Ginger didn't appear on the silver screen for seven years. By 1965, she had appeared for the last time in "Harlow" (1965/II). Afterward, she appeared on Broadway and other stage plays traveling in Europe, the U.S. and Canada. After 1984, she retired and wrote an autobiography in 1991 entitled, "Ginge
2014-01-31 20:39:52
eladasos: Ez történt - Április 23.-án
near the caliber before World War II. After "Oh, Men! Oh, Women!" (1957) in 1957, Ginger didn't appear on the silver screen for seven years. By 1965, she had appeared for the last time in "Harlow" (1965/II). Afterward, she appeared on Broadway and other stage plays traveling in Europe, the U.S. and Canada. After 1984, she retired and wrote an autobiography in 1991 entitled, "Ginge
2013-04-23 09:04:08
eladasos: Ez történt - Április 22.-én
Április 22.

702 DAHRA (Dahiya) AL KAHINA (Southeast Algeria)
Jewish "priestess". She led an alliance of Berber tribes which was defeated by Moslem forces. She was said to have lived 127 years and ruled with her 3 sons over the tribe of Jerava for 65 years.

C. 1200 RISE OF KABBALAH (Jewish Philosophical Mysticism)
As persecutions increased in the w
2013-04-22 03:37:36
eladasos: Ez történt - Január 31.-én
near the caliber before World War II. After "Oh, Men! Oh, Women!" (1957) in 1957, Ginger didn't appear on the silver screen for seven years. By 1965, she had appeared for the last time in "Harlow" (1965/II). Afterward, she appeared on Broadway and other stage plays traveling in Europe, the U.S. and Canada. After 1984, she retired and wrote an autobiography in 1991 entitled, "Ginge
2013-01-31 10:10:38
ennmary: Maslow...
College of New York-ban. Ezt megszakítva pszichológiai tanulmányokba kezdett a Cornell Egyetemen, és végül 1930-ban a Wisconsin-i Egyetemen pszichológiából diplomázott. Többek közt Harry Harlow mentorálásával 1931-ben mesteri, 1934-ben doktori fokozatot szerez. Edward Lee Thorndike-kal folytatott levelezése eredményeképpen, 1935-ben a New York-ba utazik, ahol a Columbia Egyetemen
2013-01-29 18:47:04
eladasos: Ez történt - Április 23.-án
near the caliber before World War II. After "Oh, Men! Oh, Women!" (1957) in 1957, Ginger didn't appear on the silver screen for seven years. By 1965, she had appeared for the last time in "Harlow" (1965/II). Afterward, she appeared on Broadway and other stage plays traveling in Europe, the U.S. and Canada. After 1984, she retired and wrote an autobiography in 1991 entitled, "Ginge
2012-04-23 07:51:38
eladasos: Ez történt - Január 31.-én
near the caliber before World War II. After "Oh, Men! Oh, Women!" (1957) in 1957, Ginger didn't appear on the silver screen for seven years. By 1965, she had appeared for the last time in "Harlow" (1965/II). Afterward, she appeared on Broadway and other stage plays traveling in Europe, the U.S. and Canada. After 1984, she retired and wrote an autobiography in 1991 entitled, "Ginge
2012-01-31 06:21:34
emesi: Az év embere
1949 Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
1950 American Fighting-Man
1951 Mohammed Mossadegh
1952 Elizabeth II
1953 Konrad Adenauer
1954 John Foster Dulles
1955 Harlow Herbert Curtice
1956 Hungarian Freedom Fighter
1957 Nikita Krushchev
1958 Charles De Gaulle
1959 Dwight David Eisenhower
1960 U.S. Scientists
2009-05-31 06:18:00
ludysi: Leslie Nielsen
Green David Lowell Rich
1964 Night Train to Paris - Alan Holliday Robert Douglas
1965 Dark Intruder Sötét betolakodó Brett Kingsford Harvey Hart
1965. június 23. Harlow Harlow Richard Manley Alex Segal
1966. augusztus The Plainsman Buffalo Bill visszatér George Armstrong Custer ezredes David Lowell Rich
1966. szeptember 7. Beau Geste Bea
2008-11-25 08:13:31
veronika74: Az érintés varázsa
amelyeket rendszeresen simogattak, az érintést nélkülöző társaiknál gyorsabban nőttek, erőteljesebben szaporodtak, ritkábban betegedtek meg, és jobban tűrték a stresszt.

- Harry Harlow professzor az '50-es években rhesusmajmokkal folytatott kísérleteket. Megfigyelte, hogy az anyai melegség és gyengédség nélküli felnőtt állatok érzelmi fejlődésükben visszamaradtak.
2008-02-03 16:26:18

Leslie Nielsen, World War II, Southeast Algeria, RISE OF KABBALAH, Jewish Philosophical Mysticism, Cornell Egyetemen, Wisconsin-i Egyetemen, Harry Harlow, Edward Lee Thorndike-kal, Columbia Egyetemen, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, American Fighting-Man, Mohammed Mossadegh, Elizabeth II, Konrad Adenauer, John Foster Dulles, Harlow Herbert Curtice, Hungarian Freedom Fighter, Nikita Krushchev, Charles De Gaulle, Dwight David Eisenhower, Lowell Rich, Armstrong Custer, érintés varázsa, érintést nélkülöző, anyai melegség,
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